Terms & Conditions of Our Services

Our process

Our decluttering and downsizing process is tailored to our clients’ needs and can include any combination of the following:

  • Create initial plan, including recommending service providers as needed

  • Assist with decluttering

  • Help to sort, organise and label household items or create organising systems

  • Pack/unpack items for your home move or move to/from storage

  • Facilitate sale of collectables and art 

  • Facilitate donation of household items

  • Deliver small items for donation/auction/sale through second hand dealers

  • Facilitate waste removal 

  • Arrange security shredding

  • Create a floor plan


Professional Organising

Our professional organising services are charged at $121/hour incl. GST (subject to future increases).

Packing Assistants

On larger downsizing projects we may also be able to provide supervised packing assistance with our junior staff members. Our junior packing assistant services are charged at $65/hour. We also offer senior packing assistant services at $100/hour. All packing assistant services are inclusive of GST, subject to availability and in conjunction with your Professional Organiser).

We understand that some projects may occasionally require us to work on weekends, however we do not work on Sundays or public holidays.

We reserve the right to suspend sessions if an outstanding balance is not paid promptly. Progress of a downsizing project depends on the volume of work to be completed as well as the speed of decision making. 

Services we provide

  • One-on-one help decluttering and sorting household items

  • Creating organising systems for your home

  • Purchasing organising and packing supplies (to be invoiced to you)

  • Packing up items for moving/storage/auction/sale/donation/removal

  • Transporting items that weigh under 20kg and fit comfortably in our vehicles to storage, auction, second hand outlets for sale, or charities for donation

  • Creating floor plans

  • Other coordination activities which assist in your decluttering, downsizing, or organising project

Ancillary services

External service providers

External service providers such as removalists, handymen and cleaners are not included in invoiced hours and are to be paid separately. We can coordinate these services for you, or recommend service providers, if and as necessary. 

Organising / packing supplies

We can purchase organising supplies like containers and labels and specialty packing supplies such as boxes and bubble wrap and add the cost to your invoice. Alternatively, you can purchase these items yourself - please ask us for our recommendations. 

Minimum session time 

Our minimum session duration is three hours. You do not have to be actively involved during this time (we can sort ahead of your decision-making) but of course this is your choice, based on your physical and emotional stamina on the day. We have found that sessions shorter than three hours are not worthwhile for either clients or staff.

Infection control 

We will take precautions while working to minimise the risk of respiratory infections. Any staff who have any cold or flu symptoms, such as sore throat, runny nose, coughing or a fever, will remain home until well.

If you have any cold or flu symptoms, or have been unwell, please inform us as we will postpone our sessions until you are well (see cancellation terms below).

Cancellation and early termination

Sessions must be cancelled or rescheduled 24 hours in advance. If you cancel or reschedule before 24 hours notice is given, a $150 cancellation fee will apply. We will do our best to reschedule sessions at a mutually convenient time. We will try our best to accommodate you at the next date that is suitable for you.

We reserve the right to terminate sessions for any reason at any time.

Occupational health and safety

Spectrum Organising is to be notified of any pest infestations; pets; presence of weapons in the home; hazardous waste/chemicals in advance. Spectrum Organising reserves the right to refuse to work in unsafe areas.


We have indemnity/liability/workers compensation insurances. Our liability is limited only to events which occur whilst handling your goods when under our direct physical control. All legal liability ceases once our staff conclude their work and depart your home. 

Payment methods

We accept payment by bank transfer.

These details will be provided with your invoice. Please double check that you have entered them correctly before making payment through your bank.


We may take photographs for communication purposes or to plan the best way to complete our work with you. These remain confidential. Occasionally we may use your photos in our social media campaigns, however we will never post personal or identifying information about you.